Games Art and Design

Games Art and Design

Wednesday 30 September 2015

      In the research stage of the project I focused into a few different areas; form, legs and eyes being the main focus as I want to capture the essence of what an insect is, and still create something that is unique and has an otherworldly quality to it.

      I also looked at images of insects within their habitats for both compositional ideas and to see how closely insects interact with and become a part of their surroundings.

      During the silhouette design process I didn't really have any idea what kind of insect I wanted to design. As a result, while most of the designs have insect-like qualities to them, they are mostly from original thought, with inspiration taken from real life insects.

      During this stage I tried to think of what kind of environment the creature would live in, and design accordingly. As a result, a lot of the designs have sharp, rocky features to them that would act as camouflage in either urban or rural environments.

      I didn't choose to design an insect with wings as I prefer the stalker-ish appeal that land based insects have, while I think that wings can enhance the look of an insect, I find that with most of my own designs, wings would most likely diminish the overall look of the creatures.

      Something that I'm quite happy about my designs is that they could quite easily be transferred from organic to synthetic quite easily, with a few minor alterations to the interiors of the designs.